With an energy audit you can


  1. Apply on the Energy Smart Colorado webpage

  2. Your audit will be assigned to EcoAction Partners

  3. EcoAction will reach out to schedule a home/ business audit

  4. Payment required ahead of time (see below for cost breakdown)

  5. Audit takes place

  6. EcoAction auditor will provide report with recommended actions 

  7. Apply for SMPA energy audit rebate here

For Homeowners

Interested in learning how your home uses energy? Increasing the comfort of your home for your family? Ensuring your home is safe from undetected gas leaks? Decreasing your utility bills? Reducing your carbon footprint?

Home Audit Cost Breakdown

See photo for example of cost breakdown for homes 3000 sq. ft. or less.

Additional pricing information below:

3000-6000 sq ft. = $500 + $0.05/additional square foot

6000+ sq ft. = $0.10/additional square foot

* Up to 10 FREE LED bulbs included with audit

For Businesses

Interested in managing your business’ utility bills? Confirming energy improvements have good payback value? Qualifying for federal grants, loans and tax credits to improve your building’s energy efficiency?

Business Audit Cost Breakdown

See photo for example of cost breakdown for buildings 10,000 sq. ft. or less.

Additional pricing information below:

10,001-20,000 sq. ft. = total value of $2,500 you pay $625

20,001-40,000 sq. ft. = total value of $3,500 you pay $875

40,000 + sq. ft. = total value $5,000 you pay $1,250

Contact info